Wednesday, September 14, 2022

We Did Eat Brioche

There is conjecture that Marie Antoinette probably never said the “Let them eat cake” thing as she’s had a heart for the impoverished. Of as much as any royal of her time could understand not being privileged.  If she did it was probably more along the lines of “Let them eat Brioche” and let me tell you , it sure is harder to make.  Regardless today is the Bread Class!

Breakfast was some left over baguette,  but there is a reason the French get a new one every day, it was tough! I am not sure I will ever abandon Krogers ( If they continue to carry them, but my relationship troubles with Kroger are a whole blog post of it’’s own!) Take and Bake Baguettes.  Also I have to say as lovely and satisfying as they are, they are not a real baguette.  I shall NEVER forget the sensations of that baguette on the way to Sheryls!  

I need a Box as I got vanilla and Chocolate Batons from G Detou and need to get them home.  So a marched to Le Poste, to get one.  One can ship 7 kg for about  68 Euro ( it used to be 60 euro!)  I am not sure why but everything here has to be a production.  I get there, see the box I want, request it and she tells me that is not what I want, I said yes, it is, and she said no.  I ended up with something different, cheaper, and  only 5 kg, I keep reminding myself that 5 is in about 10 lbs, I use looked it up it is technically 11 lbs!)  And I am not happy.  In Addition they no longer have paper forms and I have to do something on the computer and I am figuring that will be a French version of a goat rodeo. 

As I write I am sitting here eating my fig and raspberry Babka ( made with Brioche dough in our class)  with my coffee, it is divine.  I like the fig part better, I am not a seed fan.  

I wanted to look for some old cancelled postage stamps for card making, so headed to the Passage du Panoramas, a lovely covered  walkway.  

BUT I was there at lunchtime, and It was packed, I got to thinking COVID and got my stamps and got out.  SO advice:  don’t go over lunch (or probably dinner) unless you want to eat.  I did get my stamps and have a lovely conversation with the stamp guy  about. What I wanted with them and the cards I make.  After  all the cards I have made I did not have a photo of one of my own to show him.  

I had a crepe also known as a galette when they are savory rather than sweep.  It was ham, emmental (Swiss), Carmalized onion and mushroom with an egg on top.  It was very good, but too big, I ate till I was done!.  I have to laugh as it always upsets the waiters when I do that.  

I also found a small rolling bag to use for the trip home.  I have traveled with my lovely Black and While Toile suitcase set with the “carry” carry on bag, and the dammed thing is heavy.  Every time I sad, I am not going to do that again, and every time I do.  Because it matches.  I am giving it up! I am rolling in the airport on the way back!  the funny thing is I knew I would find something at this very store, I have purchased a back pack there before and though I have been looking all over (I have my places!), I just knew. 

Off to class,  the bread they taught us is a 3 day process, making the leavening, kneading (with a handy dandy kitchen aid - my best friend!) and finally shaping and baking. 

 This class teaches it in all 3 parts with each step ready.  We kinds of did it backwards, to get everything baked, but I have taught a couple of folks to make croissants and that 3 step process really is the only way, though I did not do it backwards!

  I talked with Sara about ways to make my croissants bigger, but after big ones here day after day for breakfast, I have started buying the “minis” and that is really enough for me.  So maybe my small croissants are not such a bad thing!  As usual Cookin With class does it right and not only did we have a lovely class but we also had a small feast at the end, Sara had wine and cheese to go with our baguette, and we tasted and talked and ooohed and aaahed. 

Home to rest a bit, the old girl is not so much for 4 hour stretches at a time of standing.  I could not work as a check out person at this time of my life for sure!  But the apartment is comfortable and  it is nice to have a place to come to to unwind.  

Sheryl and I waked

to a place she had been told way good, Au Petit Panisse.  

I was not all that hungry after the  “bread tasting” and we opted for appetizers, neither of which really hit either of our hot buttons.  But the walk did us both good and I was pooped after a restless night the night before.  

This morning is nice, eating that Babka!

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