Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Just living here!

I am sort of hanging near the apartment today,  I got up at much more reasonable time, and went to the Patisserie, which was open!  Yummy Croissant time again.  This is my view from the sofa in the living room.

Nothing special,  but somehow the folks walking by speaking French,  the sounds of the city and the different rooftops make me happy.  After getting ready, I went to MonoPrix and shop/looked. I bought some vanilla seeds, and eyed the vanilla beans. I have been interested in bar shampoos, as a way to decrease landfills.  I have not really seen anything interesting in the states, but found a peach flavored soap/shampoo here that I will try tonight.  They also sell body wash refills in   Bio-degradable bags so you can refill your container. AND…. it is a dollar more to buy the container.  I have said for a while if I was younger I would figure out a way to sell bulk.  When I think of just the Laundry Detergent containers I alone have used in my life I shudder.  Anyway “one foot in front of the other”.  I also got the old lady some decaffeinated pods for the coffee pot (she wrote in the same paragraph decrying waste), some more milk and water, as well as a few other goodies, on my list to bring home.   

On the way I stopped and gazed at this path  that on Thursday will be a bustling market.  On the way back I walked down a street I had not really been down  use see what there is to see, there is a Printemps very near, which is a  “Grands Magazine “  (Big department store), but not a favorite of mine.  Nothing life shattering, a Thai restaurant, a pharmacies, and other businesses.

So, back to the patisserie where I purchased a Quiche Lorraine, and a goodie for later.

I mustered the energy (have put in almost twice the steps / day since my arrival, No wonder my dogs are barking!) to go to the Carnavalet museum.  Old Louis the 14th hangs out in the courtyard, but looks nothing like the dude on Versailles! 

It is the museum of the city of Paris, and has been recently redone.  I liked it better before.  It probably made sense to someone, but it is rather a rabbit warren with no real direction.  Regardless, it is worth the price of a look (it’s free) and if you can follow it through time at all, interesting.  Maybe that is the problem, I do have a relative idea of this history of Paris so I found it frustrating to be in the wrong century from time to time. 

I did thing of the girls, when I saw this petite dog hours, I think theirs is much better.  

Look at this size of this chair! 

 Big bottons then too, but maybe from dresses?

I dont remember all this Art Nouveau stuff before, it was lovely.

Any idea who this lady is?

 I am still seeing storefronts covered in flowers.  

After I was starving and Sheryl and I met up on Rue Des Rosiers, for a snack to me and lunch for her.  

It  was odd to have a nice Lemon tart with meringue on it!  It was so mice to meet her and get to know another person here.  She in going to go with me tomorrow on my Paris Greeters walk, that should be fun.

We came back to Nation, she is staying near a here too! Life is full of coincidences! And went our separate ways.  It looked cloudy, My tootsies were not happy and I was thinking Capones, a pizzeria  on the corner sounded pretty good, so I toddled up there ( a block or so away) and had part of a pizza and a glass of Chinon Wine, nothing heavy! I was right it was delish!

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