Sunday, September 10, 2023

Barely a Grease Spot Left

This morning we got up and got going so we could hit up The Bastille market.  I am sure glad I did as I found some cool stuff.  It was also full of the sounds, smells and sights  I love. Sure wish I could find leeks like these at home.  

From there we went to Montmartre to Sacre Couer for mass.  On the way up the rue Briquet we stopped for a cold be beverage and admiration.    

The view. From up there is amazing!

I have to tell you that I was pretty disgusted by my fellow man as they wandered around right in front of people worshiping like a bunch of idiots, several genuflected and left, some sat down for a few seconds to minutes and left, not really attending mass.

By the time communion came around I was over them all and then remembered that our creator loves us all, those who sit through the whole thing, those whom drop in for a few, and those who are down right rude.  Darn it, It is So satisfying to be self righteous. 

The service was nice, long and more difficult  for me to understand,  it still nice.

We walked up to place du teutre and had some lunch,

Claire had a crepe and I had a salad chèvre. There are more artists now, many doing their own thing In addition to all the portraitists.

We took a train ride, around Montmartre

Which was nice, Claire got to see the Moulin Rouge and we both got to see (I think) the Lapin Agile. It saved a lot of ‘up and down’ as the name of the area means martyrs mount, as it is a very hilly area. 

Then we headed back to try, key word there, try, to cool off before dinner

and a concert at Sainte Chappell. 


It was beautiful as always, and the music was amazing, but it was so very hot!  it’s down to 81 degrees at 10:45.

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