Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Baking in Paris: Set Oven to 92 and Bake for 12 Hours


The market was about half mast today, but it did have some clothing stalls, to which, both Claire and I succumbed.  One of my new dresses needs to be worn right now (because of the heat) but I want to wash it first.  We walked back on the other side of the street and went into Pritemps where Claire found a dress, the dress. 

 She had found a jumpsuit that was adorable, but she fell in love with this one!  Next we took the bus to look for lingerie and I‘ll be darned if it wasn’t closed, apparently for good.   The 86 bus we are taking a lot goes right by there, so hopefully I can catch it if I am wrong.  So we came back, dropped off Claires bag, it was about as big as her!  And off we went to Le Flore en I’lle.  Let me just say they think they are selling gold! My food was good, very good, but I could not believe that a hamburger could cost 30Euro!   

Not that I had a hamburger, I had the Prefix, which was a artichoke tartare (got that tartare in somehow!)

and Veal with a mushroom sauce accompanied with linguini. 

 I was terribly good, all of it!  I think I might be smart enough to replicate the artichoke goodies, not so much the veal, but I was a very happy girl.  Claire had raviolis au gratin.

  From there we started hitting up the info about Notre Dame and dipping into the souvenir shops.  It was hot!  It is amazing how much work is going on ( or into) Notre Dame, and there was great info about the process.  I don’t believe I have ever seen it so clean.!

After wandering some, we went to Square Rene Viviani, he was prime minister during WWI.  I had to look it us as I had never heard of him.   The little park is on the left bank and over looks Notre Dame,  if you look at just the right angle you can pretend that all the work is not needed nor going on.  

I painted a sorrowful watercolor of Notre Dame from that view,

and Claire wandered and took lots of photos. 

  And it was hot!  We wandered along Rue Huchette in the Latin Quarter and. Stopped for a coffee and a caramel bignet.  Hmmm, it had the donut part of the old Roslyns jelly donuts with caramel inside,  and it was about a quarter of the size, but Daddy always said he was “‘trying to keep me alive, not fatten me up”’!  Then we wandered up rue Andre des Arts, and stopped in a place to dine on the divergence of Rue de Buci and Due Dauphine.  

I had a Chevre salad,(I was a pig and started eating before I realized I had not taken a photo, Claire to the rescue)

and Claire had roasted chicken and frites.  

Lots of stores/cafes with floral decoration, some are quite lovely, though I STILL wonder how long that will last.

At last we got to go on the boat ride on the Seine, it was cool and nice.  There were MANY, MANY people sitting on the banks of the Seine tonight hoping to cool off.  Did I say it was hot today?  

This lady was intent on photobombing so here are LOTS of photos of her.  

Much as Gracias Señora (she was speaking Spanish).  My girlfriend was beautiful as usual and of course she winked at us! 

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