Monday, October 21, 2019

I don’t give a fig about FIgeac,but St Circ Lapopie was the shits!

I got up and had  breakfast solo, it was unimpressive, croissant, bread, some thing that looked like maybe a sweet bread, I stuck with the Croissant.
  (Mine are better......that sure is a double edged sword!) The coffee was..., well mine is better too.  It was set up loverly though and after Jodi was ready to go so we headed off to St Circ Lapopie.  It was impressive, but more about that later 
I had a few moments of trying to cement things into memory, we were traveling down a road which had stone fencing covered in the most luscious moss and it was so lovely.  Then we stumbled onto a windmill and chapel which were a pleasant little gift of the eye too!

The weather cooperated for the most part, and we were lucky, we stopped and had coffee and crepes when we got there and that was my big mistake of the day as that was the most excellent culinary experience of the day, we did not get to lunch in time. I think I was still trying to play Quarante time and have that coffee break!  Dinner was not gonna happen on a Sunday so it was pizza, which was not terrible, but still I AM IN GASCONY for Pete’s sake!
But, back to St Circ Lapopie, We hiked up to the top of a sort of look out and the view was breath taking (as well as the hike up but still......).  

The ability of folks to build even the buildings on the side of this cliff, let alone the whole town.  We walked around, stuck our nose in the church and when we were ready to eat, nothing but crepes and coffee available until 1900.  AUGH.  Leaving St Circ Lapopie there was this lovely chateaux, the thing that just make you stop and try to commit to memory, maybe a painting?????
Off we went to Figeac which I had heard was also nice, but really it was a town, nothing any more impressive (and maybe less) than any other town.  

We had Pizza at a little take away place and ate it in the car.  Back to finish off our bottle of corbière wine and snuggle in to try to warm up.

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