Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Caught between a rock and a hard place, literally and figuratively.

The church bells rang this morning,

reminding me every half hour that it was time to get up. So eventually I did and went to breakfast.  I tried the strange looking cake bread thing as she said it was marzipan, BUT it reminded me of a mix between angel food cake and a sweet bread, I did not really appreciate the marzipan.  We chatted for a bit, I worked on getting the blog downloaded and then we got ready to leave.

It really is a pity, she said that we were the first Americans she had had this year.  It really was a pretty cool place to stay!
On the road we saw sheep, cows, and goats again, grazing in the fields as if planted there just for our viewing!  And the sun flowers here give a whole new meaning to being a late bloomer!  It was so lovely.  

We rolled into Cahors not really knowing where we were going, I remembered that there was a bridge there that was supposed to be pretty cool,
we drove through downtown looking for lunch first, but was not able to find both a place and parking that worked so back to the bridge we went where we had seen a restaurant that was open.  Jodi had a chocolate crepe and I had duck (I didn’t pay attention to the order and got a duck leg rather than breast,  and its October an all!  

IT was tasty though, came with a salad, chevre toasts and frites.  For dessert I had an amazing pear clafouti and coffee.  I got tickled at this guy, just snoozing the rest of his lunch our away!
Then we ambled to Pont Valentre a bridge dating back to the 14th century that crosses the Lot.  We just played a bit, and enjoyed the view, the reflections in the water and the emerging fall colors.

  It is lovely and they have planed a vineyard right there. by the bridge, it really bugged me that they did not pick the grapes.  Maybe it makes them grow better?  Could not figure out what this shell meant,

but I did finally get a pic of the mailman and he was amused by my snapping a photo!

Anyway we messed around on the bridge a bit and then headed to our B7B.  It is pretty nice in the room, but the establishment is VERY interesting.  She is nice, rapid fire French, which I think I got most of. Her hubby, he seems a bit uptight.  
After checking in we went looking for food, which while we finally found food, we never found the place the B and B lady suggested.  At one point after a big gulp I headed up a very steep incline andI almost ended up in a cemetery after climbing a hill at about a 60 degree angle.  My heart was in my throat as I had to back down a narrow drive that had stone fence on both sides.  After that I gave up and wen went foraging elsewhere.  We finally found this place, but Jodi was not in the mood to eat and the waiter/owner had his nose seriously jour of joint that she was not eating.  It is a bit strange to eat alone, with someone.   Either way someone was gonna be unhappy, and easier a stranger that Jodi. 

 I had fois gras with an onion compote and veal forrestrier which was good (salty but good) accompanied by some potatoes that were not even mediocre.  I skipped dessert as we had brought a bottle of wine and I wanted another glass of that.  
Back at the B and B, I FINALLY got a bath!  Bliss.

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