Monday, May 28, 2012

Thinking about the Eiffel Tower

Today was market day at my favorite market, Grenelle.  I got up around 0730 and left Jodi snoozing.  When we were here before I bought a couple of pretty cool tops, Alas not tops today.  But It was still fun to see all the lovely fruits, vegetables, breads, and meats for sale!  Only in Paris would they scatter a bit of dirt on the fingerling potatoes to make them look more appealing!   People are amazing in the market, passionate  conversations with regulars, arguments, flirting with the customers.  I really just love the markets! I arrived home, and soon after, we left for church.  We arrived just on time, which is pretty late, so we got a seat in the back.  Never fear, the Notre Dame staff are current with modern times, and there are now video monitors every 15 feet or so.  IT is just not right to be able to look at a screen in Notre Dame!  It is always so very interesting to watch people, and I could do a bit of this during this service because the guest priest was from Africa and I could barely understand any of this French.  It is always lovely to go to Mass there, though, and I found the choir music accompanied by the stained glass in the vaulted ceiling particularly nice this visit.  On the way back frojm church we stopped in the market near here and found some hard cider for Jodi.  She loves it and we have had it before.  We wven found Pear hard cider, which I am pretty excited to try!  Back to the apartment to change clothing and then to the Rodin Museum.  Jodi has wanted to see the

Thinker for seven years and FINALLY she got to see it.  It is always fun for me to see her excited, because that is way off her norm.  But I knew that there was yet another treat in store for her.  I particularly think he did interesting things with eyes, they look so real, at least from a distance.  She loves hands, likes to look at them, observe them, and she gets to know them.  Rodin did several pieces of hands, but there is one called he Cathedral in the museum that I knew she would like too.  So I got to see her excited not once, but twice in one day!  Like many things, it has changed since I last visited, but the art is the same.  The roses were our in all their glorious splendor as well, so  Mr Thinker is in good company.  After our visit to the Musee Rodin we went to the Eiffel Tower to do some photography with Molly Dolly.  There is a rather new monument called the Peace monument, that I had turned my nose up on an ealrier visit.   Upon reading about it prior to this trip I wanted a closer look.  there were people of sevaral nations there, sitting on the grass, listening to music, dancine.  It was pretty cool.  We brought one of Jodi’s great niece’s doll (Molly Dolly)  with us and have been blogging to her too.  It all started because I wear an Eiffel Tower occasionally and she seemed fascinated with it,  so when we went to King’s Island I showed her the Eiffel Tower there.  But now every time she sees a tower of any sort it is the Eikel Tower.  So I thought MAYBE Molly being here might catch her interest and help bring it make sense to her.  We will see.  We loitered there a bit and people watched.  After we went to one of the cheesy tourist traps for dinner, it looked like it might rain and it made good sense to be near a Metro entrance and this one was about 5 steps away.  We shared a capreses salad, which they are doing here with half a tompatie instead of a slice now.  THe verdict is still out for e, but this tomatoe was closer to soggy styrafoam rather than a tomatoe.   I had a piece of steak with bernaise and of course pommes frittes accompanied by a glass of wine.  We were going to have dessert when we got back to the apartment, but had a glass of wine instead to this lovely sunset.

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