Thursday, September 12, 2024


The day started out with post debate restlessness and  an e-mail stating that my ticket had been upgraded!  A friend of mine gave me points that she does not intend to use but I had to go on a wait list and I honestly didn’t really think it would happen.  I hoped so but….    So that was an awesome surprise.  My friend Claire picked me up and delivered me to the American entrance.  Everything went smoothly and I stopped for some breakfast as I had over two hours to kill.  I really had a good think about all the miles l, hours and probably bad airport/airplane didn’t friend endured to have the points to share.  I ordered coffee and a garden omelet from  Indiana Fresh.  Not worth the calories or $ but the tater tots were good.  At least I did I not pig out!

Flying business class is pretty fun and not something I have done for a very long time so I am looking forward to it.

It was apparent that things have changed a bit since I last  flew business in all fairness over 2000 years ago. Warm nuts not Pretzels, beverages in glass and (yes even real silerware-something I have not seen on a plane since 9-11) cloth napkins even in the flight from Indy to JFK. 

But the biggest perk of flying this way is that there was a recliner sort of bed in a pod that would make it much more easy for me to sleep. And it did, I woke up thinking I didn’t sleep at all and then remembered I had been dreaming so I must’ve been sleeping. Dinner was buffalo chicken with some sort of slaw (it was good) and a salad and a beef tenderloin (pretty cooked)with some gravy/sauce, potatoes and brussels sprouts. Followed by the best caramel tart I’ve ever had. 

 I would not expect that on a plane for sure. Because I was in business class I was handed a little card with “#1” on it and was allowed to go to the front of the line..I thouught this was kind of funny because being in business class get you off the plane first anyway. However going through security was a breeze and getting a cab was a breeze. We drove by the Stad du France and there are still Olympic rings up there as well as I hear on the Eiffel Tower. (That has been its own Strammash) There were lots of signs traffic signs that indicated a special lanes for multi person vehicles for the Olympics as well as I noticed there were a lot fewer homeless people camped out on the side of the Ring Road. Getting inside the sweet little house was pretty easy as well. I unpacked in my cute little house Martine has changed some things, I always have to laugh at how I noticed those little teeny differences. And I went to the market I ate my way through the market (I felt like I was in the French version of Costcco)  grapes, every vendor was offering me grapes   (Well there was nectarine and the best melon too!!) because I was eyeballing them I’m looking for those pink grapes from last year and so far haven’t found any. Sure hope I do. That said I bought a Kouigan-Aman a which in retrospect is only OK. But it was sure fun to see them they’re a lot of work and this lady had a case full of them.  I also perused the purses and dresses and just took in the sights and smells that I love so much. On the way back I took the bus and stopped at Mono-prix and picked up a few essentials, grabbed the bus back and came back to the apartment and crashed for about two hours. So we will see what the evening holds stay tuned.

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