Friday, September 20, 2024

The teacher just had to say cut the cheese, how do you expiate that?

After last nights meal I was neither horribly hungry or feeling like I deserved much for breakfast so I got a mini a pain au chocolate and had coffee and that and some rhubarb yogurt (which I love and you can’t get that at home). I’ve had a small fight with the jar to get it open but I finally was successful. 

I had signed up for a cheese and butter making class mostly for the butter because I think that’s some thing that I can do at home.. I think I would enjoy making my own butter because right now I buy French butter and it’s expensive.

 It was a fun class wasn’t real impressed with her cheese it kind of reminded me a little bit of maybe cream cheese or I don’t even know how to describe it but I’m thinking you could add a few herbs into it and give it a little zip. And I need to do some research and find out if there’s a way to maybe cure it  and come up with some thing a little bit more interesting. Regardless the class was fun and my classmates were fun.  

I was paired With an aunt and niece, the aunt was born in America but then lived the first several years of her life in France and  her family still lives here. So it was fun to try to throw around some French and get some kind of correction when needed. I really enjoyed them.


I stopped at a boulangerie on the way back and got a piece of quiche Lorraine they will warm it up for you and it was close enough that it was still nice and warm by the time I got home. Just with a glass of water and some melon was enough for me..

After some rumination I decided I wanted to see a memorial chapel built for Marie Antoinette and Louis the XVI. I had read about it, I’ve been reading about them too and wanted to see it. It is called the Expiratory Chapel. 

 Apparently the day that each of them was beheaded there was a guy that watched them get thrown in the communal pit and, he bought that piece of property and he made a business of it and then eventually sold that piece of property to Louis the XVIII who had decided to do some thing about their burial arrangements.  The paperwork I got today said that their remains were actually taken by Louis the XVIII to St Denis and buried there and I have seen monuments there but I did not realize that their remains were there.  ( you may remember that the revolution happened, things/power went back and forth, and after Napoleon,  Louis the XVIII reigned for a bit but it did not last for long, Napoleon III came into power [I think he was actually Napoleons nephew] [I think he was actually Napoleons nephew and Josephines grandson!! That’s a convoluted mess!]).  and Regardless this chapel is an honor of them and all of the people that were thrown in the pit, and in addition to the Swiss guard that was pretty basically slaughtered by the rabble in uprising while the Royal family was living captive in the Tuileries.

It is a nice little park not very big the benches weren’t really comfortable so I didn’t loiter long.  Afterwards I made my way to Fragonard (I was close) to buy some perfume for Claire who decided she liked what she got last year. Then I went to Laduree hoping to have a goodie and some coffee and they were closed, which was pretty crappy so I came home.  

They now have the metro open around the Place de la  Concord although it’s still all crapped up with stuff. There was a new little restaurant a street behind the house so

I decided to try it I had a cheeseburger with it the most amazing glass of wine I think I’ve had on this whole trip it was a Chinon red, it was delicious. It has it all nose,  legs, and velvet in my mouth.  The Burger was Good I may pay for it because it was pretty stinking rare, which was delicious but still. And now I’m going to take my tired little butt up and have a bath and go to bed..

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