Saturday, September 14, 2024

I am sure God laughs at us

Last night I got home, and ran myself a glorious hot tub of water. The weather here has been rather cool, and I have not felt warm since leaving my bed Wednesday morning, but that bath was steaming, and I was excited, AND I slipped and plopped my fat butt in the water and water went everywhere. so instead of getting warm, I had to jump out find  towels and mop up all the water as this lovely little house has wood floors everywhere. After I finally did get a bath, but I figured the Lord was sitting in heaven, chuckling behind his/her fingers at me. I sure hope so because somebody had to get some of it. 
Must’ve taken some energy for all of that mopping up, because this morning I slept late. I didn’t wake up until 930, but when I did, I went to the local bistro at the corner, called Capone‘s and had a coffee and croissant and preparation for going to the market. I love the markets here.

The smell smells,  

the sites, the people, even getting knocked around with peoples bags and today I got run over by several little ladies trolleys.
(I’d love to be able to buy these green beans at home!)

But the appearance of the fruits and vegetables are glorious and the fish the way the fish arranged is just it’s amazing. And sometimes there’s some surprises like this sausage, who knows what that’s made out of?


Then I took myself over to MonoPrix  to buy a few items and found a cute little jacket with cherries on it, being the SANE Nurse that really appeals to me.

Tongue firmly in cheek.  Another cute little bottle of wine, some ham and some rhubarb yogurt! Can’t get that at home either.  Came back for another rest but not for long as I wanted to go to an umbrella store that also has canes. I broke my leg when I was 18 and that dirty sucker is causing me misery, more misery than the knee I blew out in April so I’m not sure which side I would use the cane on. Regardless,  I went looking and didn’t really have anything hit my hot button or at least nothing I could decide on today. I’m not ready to be that little old lady with a cane. But I’m gonna have to do something. I’m afraid before this trip is over. Although the sun came out and dried up all the clouds, and the leg is feeling better. I went to Luxembourg Gardens for a while, and sat by the Medici fountain and knitted and watched people people and soaked in the sun, which made me feel the little warmer. 

But I finally made my way to my reservation at Le Flore en I’lle for dinner via Notre Dame. She’s still got some junk on her.

They’ve got a little bit of work to do before Christmas rolls around in my opinion. 
They did have an amazing exhibition of folks who had been working on repairing it for some reason that kind of choked me up.

Dinner was pricy at a tourist trap BUT I have fond memories of this place as it’s one of the first places, Teri and I went on our first trip. At least that’s how I remember it regardless,  I come here almost every time, knowing that it’s a tourist trap, and I don’t care because they serve the cutest little pots of coffee and cream or hot chocolate and milk if you choose to have a warm drink.  I’ll be back for that 

I was such a piggy that I forgot to take a photo but I did get to experience a fly over by the French Air Force with red, white and blue smoke.  

These guys played during my dinner and it is just a fun place to be alive!

I came back via Place de la Bastille, or I walked there cut the bus at the Bastille and had a

chance to take some pictures of the Olympic rings.back home to a Tartendu citron I bought on the way back from Monoprix 

I’m not sure why but blogger is being a pistol. So I’m sorry that I’ve been so slow. I’ve had to do all this on my phone rather than on my iPad, which is much less convenient.

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