Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nuestro Adventura Puerto Riceano

We are in lovely, humid Puerto Rico for a IAFN scientific assembly. 
The 20th one to be exact.  The location is awesome, the hotel and room
exceeds my hopes and expectations and so far the conference food is
worthy of the caloric expenditure.
We arrived around 4:00pm yesterday after a long day of travel.   
Driving here has a few challenges but nothing terrible so far,   
we sat in traffic for around an hour because these folks merge and 
divide lanes without any apparent sineage however thanks to the I-phone
we easily found the hotel.  I am sure my Spanish doesn't hurt, but it does
not seem requisite either.  The hotel is huge and I am sure that neither of
us really have any idea as or yet what all there is to do here.
Diner last night was a joke, pizza half cheese and half sausage and 
mushroom so mucked up that I was reminded  that we are not in INdiana
any more.  My side was half and sauce and mushrooms on the crust. Not even any cheese
adorned that  bread!!!!  I KNOW better than ordering pizza out of the USA and
that I should not expect something similar to what I usually ingest.   
But not having to show my passport wooed me into a false sense of security!  
I slept like a baby and  woke raring to go.  Our  lunch was a lovely  
salad with fried cheese, fried plaintains and mango dressing   
(somehow there was a lingering flavor of bacon),  bread,  chicken with  
a sauce of wine & mushrooms, broccoli and cauliflower, garlic 
mashed potatoes.   
DInner ended up being at the inhouse steak place called the Strip, we cheated however and for a puny $45.00 we shared a salad of lettuce, apple, grapes and candies walnuts, Jodi had a baked potato and I had Lobster Bisque.  Which was the best lobster bisque I have ever had, MAYYYYYBE it was worth it.  Oh yes, of course three was a nice Simi Chardonnay to go with.

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