Monday, September 23, 2024

You still can’’t find what you dont look for.

 When I stepped on the floor in the emergency department I used to laughingly say you can’t find what you don’t look for so for example if you don’t take a temperature you don’t know the person’s got a fever, one less thing to treat. I haven’t really thought about that in a long time until today.

So back to that Kougan Aman, I had to laugh when I opened it this morning it was hard as a brick bat and I thought ‘oh my Lord I will never be able to eat this”. All two weeks long I have eyed prepared food in the market thinking: “I wish she had a microwave, I sure wish she had a microwave, it would be nice if she had a microwave because I could buy this take it home and eat it and it would be lovely”. So this morning I got out the flashlight and had a better look at the oven, and guess what it’s just like my oven at home it is a convection oven/microwave. So I stuck that Kougan Aman in the microwave heated it for 15 seconds and it was amazing. Mom always says “‘everything‘s better with butter” and well I’m sure this was floating in butter  to begin with but,  some of the butter we made in class the other day made it even more scrumptious!!

There was a couple things I wanted to pick up at the marche Bastilleso off I went only to find the one thing I was looking for wasn’t there. Or, maybe I should say the one guy.  I also been eyeing some jackets but they did not have my size and color either so it was kind of a fruitless trip, however I did buy a lovely spinach and goat cheese quiche. The lovely young man who was purchasing a slice also told me was the best. 

I just couldn’t resist having a cup of coffee at this place because it’s so beautiful on the outside with all the flowers and the awning and even the graffiti in the background kind of matches the color palette. Notice the dude in the blue shirt, he matched too! 

There were these two old fellows in front of me it was all locals not really any tourist for the most part at this little place.

From there I waited and waited and waited for the bus.  Being able to speak a couple of other languages can be very helpful as the Spanish family walked up and couldn’t figure out the bus system and I was able to tell them exactly what they needed to do and where they needed to go. I wanted to go to Monoprix & pick up some more make-up however it looked like they didn’t have enough help the self check out line snaked all the way to the back of the store (there were no manned lines)  and the alcohol and make up section were completely closed off. So that job didn’t get done but I did wait in line for some coffee & milk which I needed. I sat at the bus stop again,  wondering what it would be like to live in that apartment at the top of that building. 

I noticed on the way back that the little café on the corner had duck breast and fig sauce and I thought hey maybe I need to try a different version of duck breast (Margaret du Canard) so I went home change clothes mosey back and had Margaret du Canard and a fig sauce 

(What’s wrong with this picture?)

and a pear Charlotte with chocolate, really fudge, at the bottom it was delicious, 

and that was kind of the end of my day I was tired from the day before and one of the ladies at dinner had suggested a new movie on Netflix called Jeanne du Barry, (It is about Louis XV mistress - sad story really) it was raining and I stayed home and watched a movie. Just like the real Parisian  that I am this week.   :)

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