Saturday, September 21, 2024

Wandering with a Purpose

This morning I decided to try something different, Claire and I made these in our croissant classes last year but they didn’t have pistachio on them although the sign said almond it was definitely pistachio.

It was yummy, coffee,
  some yogurt a great way to start the morning.  This is a horrible selfie of me but this is my house on the very end ( at least until Friday at which time I turn back into a pumpkin) of the block it’s hard to see from here but I’m just not much of a selfie taker. AND I was not feeling grumpy!

  I went to the Place Monge market, walked around there. I bought some lavender oil and some grapes.  I the walked along Rue Mouffetard to ( I had a lovely conversation with a lady in souvenir store as I bought a little goodie for my classmates) 

This on the side of a school

Place Contrescarpe and had lunch at a little outdoor café. It was probably horribly touristy food but it was a beautiful day and fun to sit there and people watch. 

Look at that perfect fry! Sort of hollowed for prefect crunch!

 I visited with a couple from Ireland sitting beside me.  She’s actually originally from Venezuela so they were very interesting couple and it was an enjoyable long lunch. From there I went to a place Estrapade  on the way I walked by one of my favorite restaurants and they have my pear appetizer!!!!!!  I am so psyched so I made reservations for dinner tomorrow night. Anyway Place. Estrapade was hysterical, I sat and painted, knitted and just people watched.  This is where “Emily in Paris” has an apartment  and I am totally tickled ( perhaps appalled would be a better word?) over the amount of attention people give a random address out of a TV show over some of the more interesting things in Paris.

Check out this girls shirt!

 But I guess I’m a hypocrite because I did spend a couple hours there and watching everybody create their social media photos.  Wandering home I passed the Pantheon

And turned and there SHE was!

I walked up Boulevard St Michael , along the Siene, to Le Flore en Ille for some hot chocolate  ( better than Angelina in my opinion) and Pain Perdue. 

It was sort of like having breakfast  for supper..

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