Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Expect the Unexpected

Who knows what this is?

You know that baguette I had yesterday for lunch (Nothing to do with the above Picture), well there was some left and so I had day-old baguette which was surprisingly still delicious and jam this morning with some melon.  That melon is still amazing sweet like honey,  perfectly ripe  and delicious. I had kind of a slow morning getting out ( I have to keep reminding myself that I am on vacation and have nothing to prove and no one to report to other than my gentler readers- adding a hint off Bridgerton there) and when I did finally get out I decided to explore the 16th which was on my list of things to do. Getting there looked like a bit of a challenge via the bus so I decided to brave the metro because it was a straight shot from here to there.  It was a fun straight shot from here to there in that lots of the metro line 6 is above ground so you get to experience a lot of Paris as well as get there quicker. There is a huge staircase going from the metro up to the area I wanted to see, however there is an escalator, and I knew that from a previous trip, so still doable for my crabby ankle and knee. Lord when did I start wounding like my Grandma?

I scrolled along rue du Passy and into a shopping mall kind of reminded me of our mall downtown Indy, and just generally piddled.. I finally
  settled on some oriental food, there are a huge number of Oriental food places here not sure now, it seems like many more….  I am not sure whether I should be using the term Oriental or Asian, but regardless it’s not a specific kind of food like it’s not all Chinese not all Vietnamese, etc. I had some chicken with rice noodles and a couple of pork eggrolls, the eggrolls were my favorite honestly but the rest of it was OK it was better than what Claire  and I had last year.

I decided to head towards Park Monceau

but on the way the bus passed the Eiffel Tower at the Trocadero and I could not resist getting off. So I did, & tooled around for a little while knitting, watching people walk by and gazing at my girlfriend loving way.

The area of the Trocadero is all crapped, up there’s a huge amount of work going on and it’s just a mess.

But it is still possible to have a lovely view with the right angle. I have to laugh every time I’m here I see a wedding and today was no exception to that.

So I got back on the bus a different one this time even though the original bus itineraries said I could go online 32 now tells me to take line 22 which I found, and did,
  and it took me sort of to where I wanted to go. That said I hung around in the park and painted for a while which was lovely, elderly gentleman with a cane and a Dachshund chatted me up a but, he was very sweet with my bad French.  I have to laugh because we can be so egocentric, he had no idea what the Indianapolis 500 was.

Finally I decided it was best to head back because it was going to be rush-hour soon and I went to the metro and took another line straight back. I was a little fearful of them on the steps on that line however it was pretty easy too. I had already decided to just make it a lazy day (just under 10,000 steps. Today) and have Pizza at Capones on the corner.

But first opened a bottle of wine (a Demi) and had a bit of cheese and  wine). 

The thing about Pizza here, is while it’s very good, it’s not what we eat in America.  So when you come here you have to have open expectations.  I had  been dreaming about pizza for example from Chicago’s Pizza with sausage and mushrooms on it.  Then when I sit down to look at the menu (I have been here before and had good memories) I remembered, no sausage here, at least not the American version of sausage)  so my pizza was ham and mushrooms and quite honestly it was delicious.  I’m just saying you have to have open expectations  here, you can’t come here thinking you are going to get what you have at  home.  It leads to ugly American tropes and honestly if you can’t  open up and enjoy the unexpected just stay home. 

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