Friday, September 6, 2024

Anticipation encore

Lunch at Sophea's last week

Four days to go! I got an e-mail from my friend/landlady yesterday saying it was too bad I was coming alone.  Well, not so much, I am good with traveling alone sometimes.  It leaves me open to new adventures in a way that is different if I am traveling with others.  Also there are no witnesses to my blunders when I travel alone. Like the time a favorite waiter asked if I was done and I said  « Je suis terminé. Apparently I was finished all right, toes up finished. He kindly corrected me. I had indicated that « I am finished » rather than « I  have finished ». Hence the need for some ribbing.  I am looking forward to seeing this guy again and dining at one of my favorite restaurants L’Ange 20!  If you have traveled with me
You may well have dined there with me.
Of course I am looking forward to many other experiences as well but with a bit of trepidation post Olympics.  I shall see how « crapped up » Paris still is due to the citywide party that has been going on.   I don’t really have an agenda, although I do have lots of things in the back of my mind. I am signed up for cooking class and  a cheese and butter making class to which I am looking forward. Mostly, I am just looking forward to pretending I’m French trying to speak some French, and relaxing and enjoying the city.

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